Monday, July 7, 2014

Is There Such A Thing As Humane Meat?

Very recently, I've become a  veganish vegetarian. 
"Veganish" due to the fact that most vegetarian options in restaurants, usually have cheese, and since I often go out for lunch, this still is the "better option". Still, I am working in becoming a total vegan.

There are three reasons I chose to change my lifestyle: health, animal welfare & the environment. Which comes first, second third? I can't say, as I consider all three of them equally important.

Naturally, alongside this massive lifestyle change, came an intense research about every thing related to the subject. The more books and articles I read, the more research I found, and the more documentaries I watched, the more convinced I was of my choice. 

The click in my mind came as soon as I became conscious of what really happens behind the bacon on the plate, the meat aisle in the supermarket, the milk in the cereal, and even the makeup on our face... yes, sadly animals can suffer an "accidental" horrific and slow death, when scientists test our makeup on them. Beside the monetary cost of what we buy, there's another cost we should  all consider.

Today I'm sharing the video above, in hopes that it will help illustrate part of the way meat producer's try to hide the reality in their products.



  1. Girlllllllll!!!!!!!! So happy to hear this hehehe, and so proud of you!!!! :D I've been tryin to eat more vegan too. One day I may be full vegan, but in Macau it's practically impossible. Super unfriendly to vegetarian let alone vegan diets :/ But also cheese is the hardest thing to quit, everything else is way easier. I went to HK the other day and got some vegan "cheese". it's actually not that bad hehe. Anyway, just checked your blog and saw this and it made me smile hehe, so I thought I should leave a comment :) now you just gotta get rid of that coat *wink* hehehe. Miss ya cool girl! xx

  2. I was just thinking about that! I'm going to be in Macau in a few months, and was wondering if there have been any improvements... apparently not! It's so much easier here in Lisbon, even though it doesn't compare to London or the US, there are a few pretty good organic markets and a few vegetarian restaurants. I also got vegan cheese haha! One called "Quefu" (Queijo + Tofu)... and the other one is done with coconut :) Not bad at all! The coat though... it's my mom's and she's had it for more than 30 years, so I don't think it's going to be easy for her to give it up that easily :( Although I am helping her change some food choices. She's cut cow's milk finally, and gone for soymilk.. I don't understand why everyone just doesn't make the switch! Soy milk is so yummy :) I've been trying lots of vegan recipes. I'm going to share some links of recipes we've tried and that are pretty easy to prepare there in Macau! Miss you girl! See you soon :)

  3. Yeah there is actually one very cool new place in Macau, organic + vegetarian and most of their options can be made vegan. It's this really cute new place in old taipa village, you are gonna love it! I go there all the time lol. They have salads, sandwiches, flat bread pizzas, mexican food, cold pressed juices, organic tea/coffee/wine/beer, raw desserts, and also some organic products on the shelves. It aint cheap, but its sooooo good! :D The "cheese" I got in HK is Daiya brand, from the States. It's like shredded, and when you eat it just like that it's kinda weird, but when you melt it it's totes like real cheese hehe. None in Macau yet, but in HK there is. That coconut based one you got sounds interesting!!! That's cool you're helping your mom change her ways too hehe, my brother is also starting to cut out meat and Leon eats way less of it as well. I was just messing with you about the coat hehe, I know it's vintage. I feel weird about throwing out things that you already have, but at the same time struggle with using it cause it's like supporting it. Even leather. But good luck finding cool shoes that are gonna last and are not leather :/ If one day we are full vegans we will get crap from ppl if we use those things lol, oh well at least we are doing something. Even just not eating meat or drinking milk is major I think. If everyone did that it would make a mega difference. Btw totes agree with you about the milk! that is like the easiest thing to cut out! Everyone could do that and mega cows would be much happier hehe. I have also been experimenting with making my own coconut yogurt, cause you know I gots to have my froyo. So cheese is like my only vice left haha. When you coming back?? Me and Sonia are always missing you when we hang!!! xoxo
