Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday Inspiration: Found in Links - 31.03.2014

Here's a round up of a few things that caught my attention on the beginning of what promises to be a miserable, rainy week:

   Shakespeare and Co., is one of the most charming bookstores I have ever walked into. Next to the Seinne River and at one corner of the chatotic Latin Quarter (Quartier Latin), the bookstore became a literary haven in bohemian Paris. Former customers include Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Allen Ginsberg. And what's even more amazing is that you can actually sleep inside Shakespeare & Co. In change, you must help out in the store, read a book a day and write about your life. Read about it here. Very, very cool. 

   Remember when you were a kid and all you needed were your toys? It really wasn't all of them, no. If you're house were to be in flames, deep down you knew which toys you would have to absolutely take with you (or even go back and save) and which were easily left behind. What's more is that those toys meant everything to you. They were more than just mere objects. They spoke to you... I know I sound crazy, but I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. 
Here is the work of a photographer who took pictures of kids' most prized possessions around the world. 

   She's probably the most important person in your life. Strong, feminine, and wise, mine represents the most amazing woman I have ever met. So, following yesterday's Mother's Day (in the UK, relax. You haven't forgotten.), here are 10 important questions to ask your mother

   To end this short segment, a different perspective of modern day employment, in a unique shortfilm

Have a great week!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday Inspiration: Found in Links 17.03.2014

1. For those who are still in winter mode and frequently get sick, or for those who like to be on the safe side in case a cheeky cold decides to appear here's a little get well kit to save your day. Or at least make your day a bit better.

2. Ok, I admit it. I've thought about writing the infamous "in my bag" post. In fact I might still do it, even though mine is really a disneyland for lunch receipts, flyers, chewing gum wraps, half bitten straws and other odd objects. After reading so many posts about the contents of other bloggers' impeccable and neat handbags, this image made me laugh. The truth is: it doesn't matter how cool and stylish your lipstick, your wallet, or your handbag is, because you know that at the end of the day, you'll be taking your keys out a wonder-mess. 

3.  Ah! The everlasting question! How on earth do you have a healthy lifestyle when you have lots of other things to worry and think about? Here are a few good tips. I specially like number four: stay organized, people. Hmm, I like five too....zzzzzzzz

4. This one's a bit more life oriented, but still worth reading. It's called  30 must-do's while you're still young enough to read this. 

5. Last, but not least: a little something to make you laugh. 

Sunday Shorts // First Kiss

FIRST KISS from Tatia Pilieva on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Margarita Confidential

Last week, in Paris (so chic, my goodness), in the midst of an arduous fight between a horrid cold wind and myself, I escaped into what appeared to be a cosy little warm place. Turns out that place was an English bookstore. Not just any English bookstore, as a matter of fact, but the very first one in Paris.

Already inside, as I made myself comfortable, slowly walking through the aisles, glancing at different titles, trying to forget what awaited me outside (yes you, damn cold wind), my eyes fell upon a tiny little book called Storied Sips. I stopped. Took my hand out of my pocket. Removed my gloves. And picked it up.

Inside, I found a sort of cocktail bible. Each page showed a different classic drink, its story and its recipe. Hmm...interesting.

I dashed to the counter and bought it.

The cold didn't seem that evil anymore.

I got home, proceeded to undress the numerous winter garments on me (you know the drill: boots, gloves, scarf, jacket number one, jacket number two, jumper one, jumper two... ah! freedom, at last! ), sat on the couch and started to read.

Did you know that the Margarita was invented because of a young girl who later was to be remembered as Rita Hayworth?

Y'didn't did ya?

Would you like to know more?

I do.

And that's how I came up with my new little project.

A cocktail a week.

Coming soon.