Saturday, February 1, 2014

Oscar 2014 Marathon // American Hustle's American Mess

Last night we started the first part of our 2014 Oscar marathon. Although we started with Martin Scorseses's Wolf of Wall Street, it was American Hustle that stood out. For the wrong reasons.

After living through all the hype around American Hustle, we were excited to start watching the film. 

We couldn't help but feel a Scorsese-like feeling throughout the beginning of the film: the theme, the brilliant choice of soundtrack, the off screen monologue from character to character, bringing the audience into the psyche of each character, and a dialogue equipped with unique humour. For that reason we decided to give the movie more than one second-opportunities, even though we felt a few small disappointments along the way. 

One thing we couldn't deny was that the film does has style, which unfortunately was not enough due to its lack of substance, character development, focus and organisation. The plot missed out on essential links: Links between the characters and the situations, necessary for creating an emotional connection of the audience with the story.

Throughout the film, the flaws were apparent. We could feel that Bale, Adams, Cooper and Lawrence were actors playing a role. Jennifer Lawrence's on again, off again accent just ruined the character. One minute she was Rosalyn, 
the next she was a plain American girl of the 21st century. Even now, as I think of the film's story, I don't know what to say. I was surprised by the ending twist. Not for the twist's sake, but because I had no idea of what was going on. I couldn't feel the connection between characters, the connection between the situations or any suspense. That's it. No suspense. Nothing. No salt. Just sloppy and hollow.

In one word, all of the plot seemed forced. Forced to be something clever, something grand. Unfortunately,it turned out not to be as clever as it wanted to be.

So, to finish, here are the 

Best (and real) reviews of American Hustle:

And the list of the Good & the Evil:


- soundtrack
- style
- some humour
- Jeremy Renner
- Amy Adam's accent


- no characters, just actors playing roles 
- no subtance
- temporal flaws (is this the 70s or a 2013 70's themed party?)
- too quick, too forced
- no supense 
- lack of character development, story development
- deception with Jennifer Lawrence
- sloppy and hollow


  1. I totally agree babe! What you said about the ending was so true.. and about Adams character. Oh well.. The Wolf of Wall street is just wow right? <3

    1. The Wolf of Wall Street was amazing! I should have probably not started with it. It set the bar too high maybe. I'm glad to know I'm not the ony one with a negative opinion of American Hustler though!
